El Viaje de Callae Hacia la Salud PlenaShe found shopping was overwhelming and crushed her. She couldn't have family over for dinner and many other daily struggles. One of the
5 Consejos para Conciliar el Sueño Más RápidoWe've all heard hundreds of tricks and tips that are supposed to help you fall asleep faster and sleep better, so we wanted to boil it d
Por qué a nuestros cerebros les encanta estar al aire libreAs doctors, we've stumbled upon several very cool principles about how the brain and body work. When we look at these principles as they
Laurel or Yanny: Por Que Estas en lo CorrectoTodo Internet está intrigado por esta ilusión de audio y es probable que tú también lo estés. Si eres como la mayoría de la gente,...
Estrés: ¿Buena o Mala?The pathway to counteract stress uses cortisol. Secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex promotes the creation of glucose, suppression
3 Mitos Cerebrales DesmentidosThe idea of neuroplasticity is what chiropractic neurology is all about: helping the brain heal itself. There are plenty of other brain myth
Cómo Reconocer una Conmoción CerebralLa mayoría de nosotros nos hemos golpeado la cabeza una o dos veces, algunos de nosotros incluso hemos sufrido una conmoción cerebral sin...
Qué No Hacer Cuando Sufre una Conmoción CerebralIt's important to not only recognize a concussion but also know what to do after a concussion.
Rompiendo la Barrera del DesempeñoHow is your nervous system? Do you have any recurrent injuries? These can be addressed with a few minutes of dedicated training daily.
Comprender la Adicción a la PornografíaAs the brain becomes accustomed to this pattern, a simple habit turns into an addiction and one can no longer just “snap out of it”. Pornogr
Sacando la Adicción a la Pornografía de la OscuridadWhen people feel isolated and without support, addiction is even harder to overcome. Having a support system where they can openly share the
4 Formas de Vencer las Adicciones a la PornografíaThough difficult, the neurological effects and resultant emotional and social repercussions of a pornography addiction can be reversed. The